Reiki Healing Canberra

What is Angelic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is a safe, natural and powerful healing method that works with angelic energy to address physical, mental, emotional or spiritual imbalances.

During the healing, Sharee acts as a channel for angelic healing energy to be passed to you. The angelic healing energy will flow to wherever you need it most at the time of the healing. You will have a unique healing experience, each one different from the last.

What to Expect From Your Reiki Healing Session

A healing session begins with a short consultation to establish your needs and discuss what you might experience during the healing itself. Sharee will then place her hands on your shoulders if you are sitting or on your heart chakra and solar plexus if you are lying down, channeling the healing energy to you.

How Long is a Reiki Healing Session?

The session will take approximately 45 minutes and the healing can continue to integrate for up to 28 days afterwards.

reiki healing canberra

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